Chigede Shot Dead, Sat on a Loaded Fire Arm
A 48-year-old Chiweshe man, David Chigede was shot dead, Tuesday last week after he sat on an enveloped but loaded short gun in a lift he boarded from Rosa.
According to a police memo in Bindura Eye’s hands, circumstances are that on March 26 at around 8 am, Simbarashe Silas Kapawu (41), the accused, drove to Rosa Business Centre, Chiweshe to buy some beverages in a Mazda CX-5 registration number AFW3536.
He carried his shotgun rifle in its pouch lying horizontally on the rear passenger seat. The firearm was loaded with a 1X12 bore gauge live round.
When he arrived at Rosa Chiweshe Road turn-off, he picked up four passengers just to assist them with transport for free to Belrock in Glendale.
The passengers were Willard Chanakira (44) of Chanakira Shop, Gunguwo Business Centre Chiweshe who sat on the front seat, Rebel Mukonowenzou a female aged 24 of Gombera Village Chief Negomo Chiweshe, who sat on the left side behind the front passenger seat and next to her sat Colleter Muchekesi a female aged 73 years, of Gatsi Village Chief Negomo Chiweshe.
Next to her also sat, Mindy Mugwanhira a male aged 47 years of Mugwanhira Village Chief Negomo Chiweshe and last sat the now deceased behind the driver’s seat.
The passengers in the rear passenger seat sat on top of the firearm. The accused person drove his vehicle until he arrived at Belrock Shamuyarira turned off and brought the vehicle to a halt so that the passengers would disembark.
Rebel Mukonowenzou was the first passenger to disembark from the vehicle and as Colleter Muchekesi was about to disembark, they all heard a gunshot sound.
“After a moment they all realized that the now deceased had been shot and was crying in agony and bleeding from his back. They realised that the firearm had discharged thereby shooting the now deceased on his lower left back,” read the memo.
Kapawu swiftly drove the vehicle towards Howard Hospital to seek medical attention for Chigede. On their way, the now-deceased made phone calls to his mother Jane Mangwiro (62) advising her about the mishap.
Unfortunately, near Majome Shopping Centre, Chiweshe, the vehicle developed a mechanical fault and the accused pulled it on the left side of the road.
He made a phone call to his nephew Leeroy Bhajabha a male aged 28 years of Muringai Village Chief Negomo Chiweshe to come and assist with transport to Howard Hospital to which he consented.
He drove to Majome in his Range Rover Discovery registration number AGC3531 placed the now deceased in the car and drove to Howard Hospital.
Upon arrival at Howard Hospital, the now deceased was attended to and referred to Parirenyatwa Hospital using the hospital ambulance.
However, Chigede died before Glendale.
Detectives from CID Bindura and DUB members from ZRP Chombira attended the crime scene and observed that the deceased’s body had a gunshot wound on the lower left back slightly above the buttocks. The bullet heads were still lodged inside the deceased’s body.
They also observed that the firearm porch was torn due to the gunshot with one empty 12-bore gauge cartridge lodged in the firearm.
According to the memo, Kapawu was arrested and is in police custody.
On being interviewed he stated that he was carrying the firearm to scare criminals who come to steal gold ore at his mine that is at Chifefe Mine, Belrock, Chiweshe.
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