Parliamentary inquiry into statelessness is set to hold a crucial meeting in Bindura
Home Provincial News Local Government Parliament Tackles Statelessness, Mash Central Residents Urged to Attend
Local Government - Provincial News - July 19, 2024

Parliament Tackles Statelessness, Mash Central Residents Urged to Attend

Bindura, Mashonaland Central – A Parliamentary inquiry into statelessness is set to hold a crucial meeting in Bindura on Saturday, July 27th, at the Hala Hotel. This meeting, scheduled from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, is a critical step in addressing the plight of hundreds, potentially thousands, of undocumented residents in Mashonaland Central.

Many of these individuals are descendants of Southern African Development Community (SADC) migrants who arrived in Zimbabwe, often working on farms and mines around Shamva, Mazowe, and Bindura.

Despite living in the country for generations, many have been unable to obtain IDs or birth certificates, leading to a cycle of disenfranchisement.

This lack of documentation has had devastating consequences, preventing access to education and formal employment, and pushing many into low-paying, menial work.

Amnesty International Zimbabwe, a long-standing advocate for stateless individuals, recently presented their findings to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs, Defence, Security and War Veterans, prompting this nationwide inquiry.

The committee has recognized the urgency of the situation, with legislators expressing deep concern for the affected communities, particularly children who cannot attend school due to lack of identification.

The Bindura meeting is an opportunity for those affected by statelessness to share their stories and experiences directly with Parliament. It’s a chance to put a human face on a crisis that has remained largely hidden.

Bindura Eye encourages all residents of Mashonaland Central, especially those from Shamva, Mazowe, and Bindura, who are affected by this issue to attend the meeting and make their voices heard.

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