A Chimanimani woman accused of poisoning her father-in-law and sister-in-law has taken her case to the community court amidst ongoing tension and conflict within the family. The deaths of Henry Mubururu and the unidentified sister-in-law, known as Tabitha, prompted an investigation into the alleged role of Beauty Muusha, the daughter-in-law, in their demise.

During the court hearing before Acting Chief Mutambara, emotions ran high as the Mubururu family accused Luka Mubururu, the accused woman’s husband, and Muusha of conspiring to eliminate the entire family through food poisoning. The family contended that after Henry and Tabitha succumbed to food poisoning, other relatives fell ill after eating food prepared in Luka and Beauty’s home. Consequently, they expressed fear and refrained from visiting Luka’s home, suspecting a potential threat of being poisoned.

Dickson Mubururu, husband of the late Tabitha, alleged that his wife consumed poisoned honey given to her by Muusha, leading to her mysterious death. He described the honey jar exploding as if it contained a hidden bomb. Dickson’s older brother, Phibeon, claimed their father also perished after consuming tea brewed by Muusha, suggesting foul play.

Phibeon further accused Luka of stealing their father’s tombstone, which mysteriously disappeared after its unveiling. He asserted that the family had faced a series of misfortunes, unexplained illnesses, and deaths since then. Seeking justice and clarity, the family consulted various traditional healers, who purportedly implicated Luka in bewitching their relatives.

In her defense, Muusha vehemently denied the allegations, stating that the family had unjustly labeled her a witch without evidence. She expressed her desire to clear her name while acknowledging the impact the accusations had on her daily life.

Luka supported his wife, asserting his innocence in his father’s alleged killing and dismissing claims of using foul play to secure his father’s village head position. He stated that his father had been suffering from a natural illness and that his appointment as the village head was due to merit.

Acting Chief Mutambara ordered the feuding parties to seek spiritual guidance to uncover the truth behind the deaths. The court adjourned the case until October 28th. After the session, a heated altercation broke out among the family members but was promptly diffused by Acting Chief Mutambara’s messengers.

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